About Our Shop




We are Rae and Jill, sisters and collaborators in the creative silk screening business, A Hoot and A Holler. We have worked together through the years on several incarnations of creative businesses. We started when our children were babies making appliquéd bibs and overalls for a small children's clothing store in Ferndale CA. Rae went on to join the Ferndale Arts Co-op to do one of a kind pieced vests and jackets. Jill pursued her career as a nurse. We were both were both swept away with parenting and took a break for several years.

As parenting demands and responsibilities lightened, we both worked for local non-profits doing fund raising, event planning and decorating, playing a vital role in our rural Northern California community. Rae used her training as a florist and we worked together for several years doing flowers and decorating for weddings.


We then started "Things on Strings", a cute felt banner we designed, sewed, and embellished. We thought they were darling but alas they were not a money maker. Most of them hang in our grandchildren’s and friend’s nurseries.
We have always enjoyed being together and being creative, so we built a studio up on Hooter Ridge, the property we live on, watched a lot of YouTube videos, took a couple of workshops and have taught ourselves silk-screening. Our days in the studio are filled with laughter and excitement as we get to create designs and master a new techniques.

Our goal is to have fun together and create colorful silk-screened children’s and adult’s apparel, silk scarves, Peach Flags....and who knows what else!
